The BIMS solution for optimised customs transit
As a customs declarant, we are authorised to provide the interface between importing companies and customs and registered on the NCTS application

Boulogne-sur-Mer : port of transit
In the Port of Boulogne, some goods are only in transit to be shipped to a different customs territory. In order to facilitate their free movement, customs transit allows customs duties and taxes to be temporarily suspended and deferred to the final point of destination of the goods.
NCTS : a European application to ensure the smooth flow of traffic
The NCTS centralises and automatically transmits transit documents between economic operators and the customs offices of departure, transit and arrival of the goods. In order to facilitate your export and import trade, we are registered on the NCTS customs application. This allows us to issue transport documents that are validated more quickly by the Customs
Computerised Transit System. As a result, your goods are dispatched more quickly with less downtime.
As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our services, we also work in the ports of Calais and Dunkirk to handle all your customs formalities.